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Getting started

To facilitate an effortless app creation process, we offer a CLI designed to help you quickly set up and run your own app in just a few minutes!

  1. Verify that Node.js is installed on your computer. For optimal performance, we recommend using the most current version. To check, run node -v in your preferred terminal.

  2. Run the create-alliance CLI using your preferred package manager.

npm create alliance@latest
pnpm create alliance@latest
yarn create alliance@latest
  1. Respond to the CLI prompts and follow the on-screen instructions to create your app.

  2. Should you encounter any trouble, please don't hesitate to contact us in the #ace-alliance Slack channel, or reach out directly to anyone in team Alliance for assistance. Additionally, we greatly appreciate it if you report any issues on our GitHub repository.


Explore our collection of example apps, showcasing a variety of frameworks, all conveniently hosted on StackBlitz. These examples are designed to provide you with practical insights and inspiration for your own apps.